Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's Time!

So, this blog has been sitting neglected, and it's time to end that. My inner-writer is coming out today.

I've been reading a book called 1000 Gifts this week and I'm in love with it. Monday was a normal, crazy day in our house. It included a meltdown by me. See? Normal. Normal for Monday, anyway. I was anticipating our fun filled week (including play practice for Dani, 2 Cross Country meets for Nick, 2 baseball games for Andrew, Raingutter Regatta for Andrew and Isaac, 2 uncompleted raingutter regatta boats, 2 birthday parties to shuttle kids to, 2 doctor appointments, plus the normal stuff)

I was stressed out, hence the meltdown. My meltdowns are small by most comparisons, and consisted only of whining to Stephen and a brief crying episode. All off this leads to my rebellion. I sat down to feed Nat and check my email. I got an update on a blog I follow and I proceeded to the blog. Since it's now Saturday I have no idea what the blog post said, except it contained a hyperlink to the book 1000 Gifts. Here's where my rebellion kicked in -- I followed the hyperlink to and before I could talk myself out of it I bought the book and sent it to my Kindle app on my phone. Then I spent the rest of my snuggle-feeding with Nat lost in 1000 Gifts.

I always savor being lost in a book, but this one was particularly wonderful. As I stole minute after minute with the author I started counting all the gifts in my own world.  She helped me refocus my thoughts. I've spent many more snuggle-feedings with Nat stealing minute after minute with my face aglow in the light of my Kindle.

Thursday I found myself gushing to my friend about the book. . . "Monday I was crying about the abundance of things I had to do this week. Now that I'm reading this book I'm changing my perspective. I feel like I'm soaking in the abundance of blessings of all these good things in my life." It was a good perspective change, I'm gonna try to see if I can make it last.

So, my plan is to count 1000 gifts of my own, and see if I can keep the perspective for a little longer

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